
Wednesday 18 March 2020

The Bomb by Sacha Cotter

Image result for The Bomb Sacha Cotter

We have been learning about using exclamation marks in our writing. We learnt exclamation marks are used to express a strong emotion. We drew our own bomb pictures and then put words or short sentences on our picture which could have an exclamation mark. Here are some examples below:
By Summer

By Sofia

By Moana

Tuesday 17 March 2020

The Splash and Dash

Room 5 have been practising for our duathlon, The Splash and Dash. We have been meeting over at the reserve. We have to run to the swimming pool, swim around the edge of the pool, and then run back to the reserve. Our Splash and Dash Race is on Thursday at midday. Come down and watch.

Here are some photos of us practising:


Wednesday 11 March 2020

Chromie the Chromebook Challenge

This week in our Cybersmart lesson we did the challenge that Chromie set us so that we could earn a certificate.

We had to click > hold > drag on our touchpad to move objects around and to resize them. We had to type text in the correct places as well.

Here is Carlos' work and his certificate. Carlos was very kind and helped others because he finished before lots of others. Thank you Carlos!

Tuesday 10 March 2020

Sofia's Chromebook Challenge

This week in our Cybersmart lesson we did the challenge that Chromie set us so that we could earn a certificate.

Here is Sofia's' work and her certificate. Can you see how Sofia completed all the challenge?

Thursday 5 March 2020

Adding detail to our Writing

Room 5 have been learning to add detail to our writing to make it more interesting. We have been having a go at adding sentences about what a roller coaster ride feels like, sounds like and looks like. Here are examples of our writing.
We have created art to go with it. Come into Room 5 and check it out on the wall. 


Our Cybersmart work with Mrs Torrie 
was to learn how to SMRF It!
We find the template on our class site and click on it.
We get a "Read only" version which we cannot use.
We have to make a copy, rename it and file it.
Here is Moana's work.